Day 8 – Oregano

Did you know that oregano is actually a member of the mint family? I’m just imagining mint on my pizza or in my spaghetti sauce. Thankfully though, it doesn’t have that minty quality we all think of when we picture something in the mint family. Dr Jean Valnet, an Army physician from 1948 who set about trying to prove the therapeutic and medicinal properties of essential oils, said that Oregano is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory oils out there with nearly the pain killing Continue reading

Day 4 – Peppermint

Peppermint is a cross between watermint and spearmint and is native to Europe. Traditionally peppermint has been regarded for medicinal uses and, as it has an impressively long track record in history, it has been given the title of the worlds oldest medicine. Peppermint is so well regarded that it is even prescribed by doctors of alternative and modern medicine.

So what are these fantastic uses you ask? Well, peppermint has been used for everything from indigestion to nausea, headaches, pain relief, circulation, UTI’s, skin & hair care, as an immune boost and of course, for respiratory issues. You can put a few drops of this aromatic essential oil in your water, in homemade shampoos, cleansers and Continue reading

Day 1 – Lavender

Let’s talk lavender. Lavender is one of doTERRA’s best selling oils, and personally, it’s my favorite scent on the face of the planet. Yes, dare I say, lavender, to me, trumps even the likes of chocolate chip cookies or a warm summer rain. But lavender doesn’t just smell good, it also has tons of uses! More on that in just a minute.

First let’s look at the history of Lavender. Lavender has been around since the ancient times and was used for medicinal purposes, as a perfume and the Romans used it in their bath waters. Rumor has it that Cleopatra even used it to seduce Julius Ceasar and Mark Antony. (Don’t ask me to provide a factual reference for that, like I said, it’s a rumor). Continue reading